Yell, Ike, Yell!
When First we came to O. S. U.,
Ful de rol de rol rol rol,
We were Freshmen, green but true
Ful de rol de rol rol rol.
Wahoo! Wahoo! O. S. U.,
Ful de rol de rol rol rol,
Yell, Ike, yell for O. S. U.,
Ful de rol de rol rol rol.
As Sophomores we love to work,
Ful de rol de rol rol rol,
We never yet were known to shirk.
Ful de rol de rol rol rol.
Repeat Chorus
In Junior year we give a dance,
Ful de rol de rol rol rol,
By which our wealth we do enhance.
Ful de rol de rol rol rol.
Repeat Chorus
The senior "prom" is given too,
Ful de rol de rol rol rol,
The swellest thing at O. S. U.
Ful de rol de rol rol rol.
Repeat Chorus
The saddest thing we have to do,
Ful de rol de rol rol rol,
Is when we leave O. S. U.
Ful de rol de rol rol rol.
Repeat Chorus
Then on the sea of life we sail,--
Ful de rol de rol rol rol,
And so this ends our little tail.
Ful de rol de rol rol rol.
Repeat Chorus
Yell, Ike, Yell, is also known as Old O. S. U., it was composed in the late 1890s, by a member of The Ohio State University Men's Glee Club. The song's lyrics makes light of college life and it is also a play on words. In the era this song was written, the use of the word "Hell", except in regards to religious references, was considered offensive language; therefore, when this song was sung fast enough, "Yell, Ike, Yell" sounded much like "Yell Like Hell", especially after have a few drinks.
Photo: 1904 Lord Hall (now razed), Courtesy of The Ohio State University Archives
Please e-mail any comments, problems or suggestions to
Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021