Sheet Music Scores
This page contains the Sheet Music Scores in Portable Document Format (PDF) for each song provided. The songs were scored using the Noteedit and MuseScore utilities. The sheet music was generated using the Lilypond Utility.
The Noteedit to Lilypond conversion is not perfect, so there may be some errors. Also, in some of the songs, the lyrics may not line up as the original author intended. This is because I did not have the original score or not all the verses were within the score proper. Finally, my intent was to create MIDI files, not sheet music, so various "emebellishments" are not included in the scores, e. g. mp, mf, >, <, slurs, etc. I inserted only clefs, key signatures, time signatures, tempos, ties and notes. I will admit that I am not an expert at reading music, so my apologies to the music purists out there.
Instructions: You will need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader (Windows, MacOS, UNIX, linux) or xpdf (UNIX/linux only) to properly display the PDF files.Once you have installed the PDF viewer, just click on the link and the song should display for you. To download a song, right click on the link and click on "Save Link Target as" (Netscape/Firefox/Mozilla) or "Save Target as" (Internet Explorer).
Songs of the Scarlet and Gray - 1900
Songs of the Scarlet and Gray - 1904
Songs of Ohio State University - 1916
From Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Alma Mater - The Ohio State University
An O. S. U. Love Story
Down By the Riverside
Football 1899
Good-night, My Love
Hymn of Ohio
I Didn't Do A Thing But Smile
It's A Way We Have It At Old O. S. U.
Lo! The Poor Freshman
Our Inspiration
Scarlet and Gray Forever
There's Music in the Air
These Final Exams
Vive La O. S. U./Es Lebe die O. S. U.
Wahoo! Wahoo!
Walking Is Good Exercise
We Come From the Fair O. S. U.
What A Happy College Life This Would Be
Who Are We?
Yell, Ike, Yell!
From Songs of Ohio State University
Across The Field
All Hail Ohio State
Buckeye Battle Cry
The Buckeye Team
Campus Days
Carmen Ohio
Chimes Melody
Commencement Processional
Hail, Ohio
Howdy Do, Prexy Thompson
Jimmie Kelley
The Letter
Ohio Mater
Ohio (Alma Mater)
Ohio, Our Own
Ohio State (Alma Mater/Hymn)
Ohio State (Ballad)
Ohio State Forever
Ohio State March Song
Ohio State Praise Song
Ohio Will Shine Tonight
Our Best, Ohio
Oxford Changes
Rally Ohio!
Rush On! Rush On!
Scarlet and Gray March
Sing A Song Of College Days
Sing A Song Of College Days (Alternate Version)
Stand Fast For Ohio
We're Loyal, Ohio
Westminster Quarters (Cambridge Quarters)
From Misc Ohio State publications
Campus Echoes
Carmen Ohio, Mine
The Day
The Noon-Tune
Echo The Bells
Ohio Football Song
There's Football in the Air
To Thee, Ohio State
From Multiple Sources
Across the Field (1915 - Early Printing)
Buckeye Battle Cry (1919 - First OSU Printing)
Fight On Ohio
Hi Hi Ohio
I Wanna Go Back To Ohio State (See notes below)
Le Règiment De Sambre Et Meuse
O. S. U. Medley
Alma Mater (Beautiful Lady)
Alumni Day (Happy Days Gone By)
Battle Song (Men of Harlech)
Beautiful Ohio (Beautiful Ohio)
Buckeye Swag (White Bear Swag)
Down by the Ohio (Ohio O-my-o)
Freshman Ditty (Blow Ye Winds Heigh-Ho)
Gab Room Song (There Is a Tavern In The Town)
Grand Old Ohio State (You're A Grand Old Flag)
Hot Time In Columbus Tonight (Hot Time In The Old Town)
Hurrah for O. S. U. (The Bonnie Blue Flag)
I Want To Go Back To Michigan *
If I Had a Daughter (Son of A Gambolier)
Lantern Subscriptions (On A Tree, By A River (The Mikado))
Listen To My Tale Of Woe (Listen To My Tale Of Woe)
My Girl's Too Good For You (Aura Lee)
Ohio (Oh, Didn't He Ramble/Son Of A Gambolier) **
Ohi-Ohi Ohio (Johnny Come Marching Home)
Ohio's Jewels (Der Tannenbaum)
On The Sidelines (My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean)
O. S. U. Jubilee (Marching Through Georgia)
Our Football Song (My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon)
Rah, Rah, Rah, For Old Ohio (Tramp, Tramp, Tramp,..)
To Prexy (Mary Had a Little Lamb)
Round on the End
Varsity (Tammany)
Song of the Franklins (The Mulligan Guards)
Victory Ohio (Illinois Loyalty)
We Don't Give A Damn For The Whole State Of Michigan
(Old Gray Mare)
** This song constitutes the remainder of I Wanna Go Back To Ohio State.
Sheet music in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray was copyrighted, by Charles W. Gayman (The Ohio State University Men's Glee Club), in 1902. Sheet music in Songs of Ohio State University was copyrighted, by The Ohio State Alumni Association, in 1916 and 1923. Hi! Hi! Ohio was copyrighted, by Frank Crumit, in 1923. Fight On Ohio was copyrighted, by The Ohio State Alumni Association, in 1929, and is still subject to the provisions of domestic and international copyright law. With the exception of Fight On Ohio, it is remotely possible that there is still a copyright on the other songs. As far as I could ascertain from The Ohio State University Archives and The Ohio State University Libraries, it is very likely the copyrights were not renewed when they expired.
I feel that this web site is a historical reference, created by using rare historical resources. Because there is limited access to the printed historical resources, I feel that providing the PDF Sheet Music files enables greater access to The Ohio State University community.
Please e-mail any comments, problems or suggestions to
Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021