Ohio State Songs Lost to History
The following songs were known to be in use in the early days of The Ohio State University. During this era, many of the popular songs of the day, as well as, composition of new songs was very common on college campuses. Many of these compositions were written by college sponsored competitions. In addition, song groups and glee clubs abounded during this era.
One thing that you will notice, as you view each of the songs, from 1880 - 1900, many of the songs use "O. S. U." to refer to Ohio State. Next, "Ohio" is used to refer to Ohio State, from 1900 - 1910. Afterwards, composers started to use "Ohio State" in the lyrics, starting with Ohio State March Song. This transition is very interesting, as it shows Ohio State gaining its identity, as well as, its uniqueness among colleges in both Ohio and the nation, as well.
In regards to the Ohio State University Men's Glee Club, they not only sang the songs of the day, but they also composed their own songs. In 1900 and 1904, they gathered enough songs together to publish Songs of the Scarlet and Gray. You can learn more about this song book, by reading the Notes on Songs of the Scarlet and Gray.
In the area of song competitions, the Ohio State University Alumni Association sponsored a competition in 1916, and published the Songs of Ohio State University song book. The song book, contained many songs and ballads of the day, as well as, songs specific to Ohio State. You can find out more by reading the Notes on Songs of Ohio State University.
All Hail Ohio State (1916)
Alma Mater - The Ohio State University (1870s)
Alma Mater (1912)
Carmen Ohio, Mine (1954)
Commencement Processional (1905)
Hail, Ohio (1919)
Hymn of Ohio (1893)
Ohio (1922)
Ohio Mater (1916)
Ohio, Our Own (1909)
Ohio State (1916)
Ohio State, Forever (1916)
Ohio State Praise Song (1916)
Our Best, Ohio (1916)
The Scarlet and Gray Forever (1900)
Stand Fast For Ohio (1916)
To Thee, Ohio State (1912)
We're Loyal, Ohio (1919)
Alumni Day (1916)
An O. S. U. Love Story (1890s)
Bohunkus (1891)
Campus Days (1916)
Down By The Riverside (1890s)
Freshman Ditty (1904)
Gab Room Song (1896)
Good-night, My Love (1890s)
Howdy Do, Prexy Thompson? (1919)
I'm Proud to Be A Buckeye From Ohio (1980)
Jimmie Kelley (1894)
Lantern Subscriptions (1886)
The Letter (1923)
Listen To My Tale Of Woe (1891)
Lo! The Poor Freshman (1890s)
My Girl's Too Good For You (1890s)
Ohio State (1916)
Our Inspiration (1890s)
Sing A Song Of College Days (1923)
Song of the Franklins (1874)
There's Football in the Air (1916)
There's Music in the Air (1895)
These Final Exams (1890)
To Prexy (1909)
Walking is Good Exercise (1893)
We Come From the Fair O. S. U. (1896)
What A Happy College Life This Would Be (1900)
Who Are We? (1895)
Drinking Songs
BINGO (1890s)
Hurrah for O. S. U. (1892)
If I Had a Daughter (1890s)
It's A Way We Have It At Old O. S. U. (1890s)
Ohio's Jewels (1894)
Peanuts (1890s)
Vive La O. S. U. (1893)/Es Lebe die O. S. U. (1893)
Yell, Ike, Yell! (1890s)
Battle Song (1901)
The Buckeye Team (1919)
Fight On Ohio (1929)
Grand Old Ohio State (1906)
Hi Hi Ohio (1919)
Hot Time in Columbus Tonight (1900)
Men of Ohio (1910)
Ohi-Ohi-Ohio (1908)
Ohio (1906)
Ohio Football Song (1908)
Ohio State March Song (1912)
Ohio Will Shine Tonight (1919)
O. S. U. Jubilee (1908)
On The Sidelines (1906)
Our Football Song (1894)
Rah, Rah, Rah, For Old Ohio (1915)
Rally Ohio! (1916)
Rush On! Rush On! (1916)
Scarlet and Gray March (1896)
Varsity (1906)
Victory Ohio (1915)
Wahoo! Wahoo! (1890)
Music for Orton Hall Chimes (1916)
O. S. U. Medley (1895)
Songs Celebrating 1899 Football Season
Cheers (1889 - Present)
Cheers In Song, circa 1900
Note: The year after the song indicates when the song was written. Also, with the exception of a couple songs, because there was no score available, there is a MIDI file that was generated for each song.
Please e-mail any comments, problems or suggestions to njmetrowsky@gmail.com
Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021