It's A Way We Have It At Old O. S. U.
It's a way we have it at old O. S. U.
It's a way we have it at old O. S. U.
It's a way we have it at old O. S. U.
To drive dull care away.
To drive dull care away, to drive dull care away,
It's a way we have it at old O. S. U.
It's a way we have it at old O. S. U.
It's a way we have it at old O. S. U.
To drive dull care away.
We think it is no sin, sir
To rope the Freshmen in, sir
And to ease them of thir tin, sir
To drive dull care away.
To drive dull care away, to drive dull care away,
We think it is no sin, sir
To rope the Freshmen in, sir
And to ease them of thir tin, sir
To drive dull care away.
And we won't be home until morning,
We won't be home until morning,
We won't be home until morning,
Till daylight doth appear.
Till daylight doth appear, till daylight doth appear
And we won't be home until morning,
We won't be home until morning,
We won't be home until morning,
Till daylight doth appear.
So say we all of us,
So say we all of us,
So say we all;
So say we all of us,
So say we all of us,
So say we all of us,
So say we all.
Here is a drinking song that was popular in the 1890s and early 1900s. The song actually combines two melodies, the first three verses uses the melody of For He Is A Jolly Good Fellow, the final verse uses the melody of God Save The Queen or My Country Tis of Thee. In addition to drinking, the song also mentions more about Freshmen an their relationship to the upperclassmen. There is no date of composition or author for this song.
Photo: 1903 Orton Hall, Courtesy of The Ohio State University Archives
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Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021