Ohio State March Song
Ohio my love for thee overflows my heart and soul,
Brings thoughts of pride to me to make thy halls my goal,
Ohio, May ages pass e're defeat shall mar thy pride,
May vict'ry for a thousand years upon thy banners ride.
Ohio's fame in the field and game is a joy to all the thousands who support her name,
Hear cry "Hold on State", never die or never wait,
The fighting blood is in our ev'ry vein (Rah! Rah!),
Our heroes fight for Ohio's right, when the whistle blows they're ready for their fate,
With Carmen's call our foes will fall, three cheers for Ohio State! (Rah! Rah!)
Ohio's fame in the field and game is a joy to all the thousands who support her name,
Hear cry "Hold on State", never die or never wait,
The fighting blood is in our ev'ry vein (Rah! Rah!),
Our heroes fight for Ohio's right, when the whistle blows they're ready for their fate,
With Carmen's call our foes will fall, three cheers for Ohio State!
Ohio we love the day that began thy life of pride,
We love the very grass that grows upon thy campus wide,
Ohio, No mortal hand can efface our faith in thee,
We know thy everlasting name will stand thro' eternity.
Repeat Chorus
An OSUMB standard was the Ohio State March Song, which was composed and arranged by Ray W. Arms, in 1912. This song was adopted by The Ohio State Marching Band as its official marching song. Like, the Scarlet and Gray March, it also has lyrics. It is by all likelihood that Ohio State March Song was in use from at least 1912 until 1921. One can suspect that Across The Field and Buckeye Battle Cry were the major cause for this song to disappear from use. One item of note, the line "With Carmen's call our foes will fall", uses part of the melody from Carmen Ohio, the only Ohio State song to do so.
I received the following message on 5 May, 2005, from Rick P. Rieser, which provided some information on Ohio State March Song:
Mr. Metrowsky:
I happened upon your web site and noticed you wish to confirm that the OSUMB played the Ohio State March Song written by Ray Walter Arms in 1912. I am unclear as to how you would like this information confirmed, so I don't know if this will help or not. Ray Walter Arms was my grandfather (my mother's father). The Ohio State March Song is just one of many original pieces of music Ray wrote while attending Ohio State University. I have some of his original sheet music, but I'm not sure if that piece is among them. According to my mother and her sister, the OSUMB adopted Ray's Ohio State March Song as their official marching song. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them if I can. My email is hesaidrr@aol.com.
Rick P. Rieser
Photo: 1920 Ohio State University Marching Band, Courtesy of The Ohio State University Archives
Please e-mail any comments, problems or suggestions to njmetrowsky@gmail.com
Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021