Let ev'ry loyal son rejoice,
Cast ev'ry care away;
Let ev'ry one lift up his voice,
Ohio lives for aye!
Far famed thy wondrous beauty,
Thy glory all doth know,
To thee we raise and endless praise, Ohio!
Ohio! ever dear thy name;
None can compare with thee!
Thy cause the very winds proclaim
To serve humanity!
Thy destinies be onward
With wisdom's guiding light,
Thy sons, a brave united band for God, Truth, Right!
And when we leave thy stalely halls,
Whate'er the years may bring,
Another throng will breath a song,
Ohio's praise will ring.
Now hearts will learn to love thee,
But ours shall never rove,
And Time will make thee dearer far--Ohio!
And as we grant thy jubilee
And many sons, we pause
To rev'rence those who gave sweet life,
Who served the human cause.
Teach us, thy sons and daughters,
The purpose high to know;
And may the chimes repeat this call of Ohio!
This song was an entry in The Ohio State Alumni Association Song Contest in 1922. It was published in Songs of Ohio State University. Unfortunately, there is no additional information about this song, other than the composer and its publication. Also, Carmen Ohio, by 1922, was solidly in place as the Alma Mater of Ohio State, thus relegating this song into historical obscurity.
Photo: 1930 Campus, Courtesy of The Ohio State University Archives
Please e-mail any comments, problems or suggestions to njmetrowsky@gmail.com
Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021