Hymn of Ohio
Across the valley comes a shouting,
Upon the breeze there floats a song,
It is the surge of swelling music,
A mighty pean, sweet and strong,
And like a wave it sweeps along,
It is thy loyal sons, Ohio,
Who come to bow on grateful knee;
And one in bond fraternal,
To raise a songs of thanks to thee.
We laud Ohio's name!
We glory to her fame!
Join hands, clasp hands,
Long as earth stands,
We'll sing Ohio's praise.
What though a thousand leagues may part us,
What though an ocean roll between,
The miles are naught, Oh, Kindly Mother,
To those who once thy walls have seen
And 'neath the watchful care have been.
To thee we raise our pure devotion,
To thee our reverent song we bring;
United over thine honor
To thee our loyal hymn we sing.
Repeat Chorus
Thou art a start upon our pathway
That shines brighter through the years;
The thought of thee gives strength to weakness,
In lonely hours thine image cheers,
And time thy memory endears,
Where e'er thy scattered children wander,
By mountains far and unknown sea,
In loyal hearts thou art enshrined
And there forever-more shall be.
Repeat Chorus
In this rousing hymn utilizing the melody of La Marsellaise, comes the feeling and meaning of attending Ohio State. While this song never was adopted as an Alma Mater, it was in use to at least 1916. One can almost see many common attributes between this song's lyrics and those contained within Carmen Ohio. While Fred A. Cornell was inspired by the 1902 Ohio State loss to Michigan, the words and melody of The Yellow and Blue, it is very likely he also drew upon Hymn of Ohio to aide in composing Carmen Ohio.
Photo: 1887 Campus, Courtesy of The Ohio State University Archives
Please e-mail any comments, problems or suggestions to njmetrowsky@gmail.com
Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021