The Hey Cheer
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One of the more popular, and controversial, non-Ohio State related songs played by the Ohio State Marching Band is The Hey Cheer. This song is based upon the song Rock and Roll - Part 2 written and performed by rock artist Gary Glitter, in 1972. Many colleges, high schools and professional sports teams perform this song on a regular basis. Hence, the song is by no means unique to Ohio State. Yet, it is fair to mention that this song is performed by The Ohio State Marching Band and does warrant being mentioned on this web site.
Unfortunately, this song is also controversial, not because of the music, but the person who wrote the song. I have been reluctant to include this song, because of the controversy surrounding the author. Yet, I have included other songs on this web site which, at the time they were written, were also considered controversial. Some songs even today would connote controversy because of some the lyrics may not be appropriate in today's politically correct society. So, including a write up on The Hey Cheer falls into this category, even though some people would disagree.
As far as the controversy is concerned, Mr. Glitter was accused and convicted of molestation of a child in Vietnam in 2005-06. Upon being convicted, several NFL teams dropped the song, including the Denver Broncos and New England Patriots. Several colleges and high schools also followed suit. Many people are not really aware of the controversy, thus the song continues to be played at various sporting events at all competition levels.
The Ohio State Marching Band's stirring arrangement was written by John Tatgenhorst and dates back to 1982. The Hey Cheer is generally used with other cheers during the course of the game. The Ohio State University Pep Band also uses the song at various times during basketball games, as well. It is very popular with fans of Ohio State. The band also plays other cheers throughout the course of the game like the new Ohio - Go Bucks Cheer and the Let's Go Bucks! cheer.
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Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021