Ohio State, Forever
Since first we viewed the campus green, sought thy lake and crystal spring;
We've love thee dear Ohio State, ever loved thy praise to sing.
Long mayst thou hold thy sway serene by Olentangy River!
Long may we sing with hearts elate, "Ohio State, Forever!"
Ohio State, to thee we sing, Ohio State forever!
Thy colors to the breeze we fling; Ohio State forever!
O'er Eli's sons float banners blue, and o'er Harvard's Crimson gay;
Ohio's boast will lift on high, the Scarlet and the Gray.
We're bound to Alma Mater true by ties naught can dissever,
And as we march we peal the cry, "Ohio State Forever!"
Repeat Chorus
In years to come Ohio's name still shall be our guiding light;
And memories dear of college days, oft will bring sweet delight.
Then, as we press with hearts aflame, to field of high endeavor,
We'll sing our Kindly Mother's praise, "Ohio State Forever!"
Repeat Chorus
This song was written in the early days of The Ohio State University and the author chose to use the melody; The Maple Leaf Forever. There is no information in Songs of Ohio State University to shine light on this song. Ohio State, Forever was written by Hugh C. Laughlin, class of 1890, for the 1916 Song Competition, who also wrote Rush On! Rush On! and Stand Fast For Ohio.
Photo: 1893 University Hall, Courtesy of The Ohio State University Archives
Please e-mail any comments, problems or suggestions to njmetrowsky@gmail.com
Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021