Printed Resources
Songs of the Scarlet and Gray, 1900, 1904, The Ohio State University
Men's Glee Club (from Google Books)
Songs of Ohio State University, 1916, The Ohio State University Alumni Association (Printed and from Google Books)
Songs of Ohio State University, 1923, The Ohio State University Alumni Association
The First Hundred Years, 1970, The Ohio State University Press: Early Ohio State history
The Ohio State University Football Scrapbook, 1977: early Ohio State Football history
The University of Michigan Football Scrapbook, 1978: Early Ohio State Football history
Script Ohio, 1978, The Ohio State University Marching Band Yearbook, Notes on Round on the End and High in the
Middle, Beautiful Ohio
The Ohio State University Lantern, various issues 1881-25: Early Ohio State history
The Makio - The Ohio State University Yearbook, various issues: Early Ohio State history
Ohio State University Football Programs, various issues from 1900 - Present
Ohio State University Monthly, various issues from 1912 - 1917
The anthem that almost wasn't, OSU Alumni Magazine; September-October, 2015
TBDBITLetter, Summer, 2006
Across the Field, A Song of the Ohio State University, 1915, Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection, Mississippi State University
The Buckeye Battle Cry, A Football Song of Ohio State University, 1919, Indiana University Digital Sheet Music Collection
The Male Animal: A Play, 1940, Random House, James Thurber
WWW Resources
The Ohio State University Web Site: early Ohio State history
The Ohio State University Archives Web Site: early Ohio State history
The Ohio State University Marching Band Web Site, Notes on Carmen Ohio, Across The Field,
Buckeye Battle Cry, Le Règiment, Hang on Sloopy
The University of California Marching Band Web Site, for song California, Ohio a. k.a I Waana Go Back To Ohio State
Clintonville Web Site, History of Olentangy Park
History of Carmen Ohio, speech, Agonis Club of Columbus luncheon held at the River Club, Robert B. Stevenson, 25 October, 2002
Le Règiment de Sambre et Meuse - A History, courtesy of Robert M. Goodman; Mechanicsburg, PA
The Male Animal; 1942; Warner Brothers, Motion Picture, Turner Classic Movies
A violent game: 110 years ago, a death brought Ohio State to a crossroads in a debate about football's future; 28 October, 2011; Rob Oller, The Colunbus Dispatch
Football Team photos courtsey of The Ohio State University Archives
Multimedia Resources (MP3 Files)
I'm Proud to Be A Buckeye From Ohio: I'm Proud to Be An Okie From Muskogee, from
Buckeye Battle Cry: Frank Crumit, 1924; courtesy of Dave Powers
Carmen Ohio: Criterion Quartette, 1922; courtesy of Dave Powers
Hi Hi Ohio: Frank Crumit, 1924; courtesy of Dave Powers
Let's Go Bucks!, courtesy of Gene Warman (1983 Studio Recording)
Ohio/Across the Field: Criterion Quartette, 1922; courtesy of Dave Powers
Multimedia Resources (MP3 Files)
Across the Field; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Beautiful Ohio; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Buckeye Battle Cry; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Buckeye Battle Cry Through the Years; Crumit, OSUMB, courtesy of YouTube
Buckeye Swag; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Campus Echoes; The Ohio State University Men's Glee Club, courtesy of YouTube
Carmen Ohio; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Down by the Ohio; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Fanfare for a New Era; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Hang on Sloopy; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
I Waana Go Back to Ohio State; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Le Regiment de Sambre et Meuse; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Le Regiment de Sambre et Meuse (Script Ohio 2009); OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Let's Go Bucks (1983 - Full Version); OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
My Town; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Neutron Dance; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
O Fortuna; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Ohio Let's Go Bucks; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Round on the End and High in the Middle; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
Seven Nation Army; OSU - USC, 2009, courtesy of YouTube
We Don't Give a Damn for the Whole State of Michigan; OSUMB, courtesy of The Ohio State University
1956 Pregame (Ohio State v Stanford) - Part 1; OSUMB, courtesy of YouTube
1956 Pregame (Ohio State v Stanford) - Part 2; OSUMB, courtesy of YouTube
1958 Rose Bowl Halftime (Ohio State v Oregon); OSUMB, courtesy of YouTube
1974 Rose Bowl Halftime (Ohio State v USC); OSUMB, courtesy of YouTube
2008 Pregame (Ohio State - Michigan); OSUMB, courtesy of YouTube
Musical Score Resources (MIDI Files)
Across the Field, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
All Hail Ohio State, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Alma Mater - The Ohio State University, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Alma Mater, Produced from MIDI on Laurel and Hardy Magazine Web site
Alumni Day: Happy Days Gone By: Produced from score Happy Days Gone By
An O. S. U. Love Story: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Battle Song: Men of Harlech: Produced from score Men of Harlech
BINGO: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Bohunkus: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Buckeye Battle Cry: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Buckeye Swag: From as White Bear Swag
The Buckeye Team: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Campus Days, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Campus Echoes, Produced from score in The Ohio State University Men's Glee Club Alumni Association Songbook
Carmen Ohio, Produced from score in 29 November, 1906 Ohio State vs Ohio Medical Football Program
Carmen Ohio, Mine, Produced from score in The Ohio State University Archives
Commencement Processional, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
The Day: Luther: Produced from score in The Ohio State University Monthly, April, 1915.
Down By the Ohio (Ohio O-my-o): Courtesy of
Down By the Riverside: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Echo The Bells: Produced from score in The Ohio State University Monthly, April, 1915.
Fight On Ohio: Produced from original score
Foot-ball 1899 (We Hail From OSU, The O. S. U. Football Team - 1899, Captain of the O. S. U. Team): Produced from score
in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Freshman Ditty: Blow Ye Winds, Heigh-ho, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Gab Room Song: There Is A Tavern In The Town, Produced from score There Is A Tavern In The Town
Good-night, My Love: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Grand Old Ohio State: You're A Grand Old Flag: Produced from score: You're A Grand Old Flag
Hail! Ohio: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Hi Hi Ohio: Produced from score provided by The Ohio State University Marching Band
Hot Time in Columbus Tonight: Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight, Produced from score Hot Time In The Old Town
Howdy Do, Prexy Thompson: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Hurrah for O. S. U.: The Bonnie Blue Flag: Produced from score The Bonnie Blue Flag
Hymn of Ohio: Le Marsellaise: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
I Didn't Do A Thing But Smile: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
If I Had a Daughter: Son of a Gambolier: Produced from score Son of a Gambolier
It's a Way We Have It at O. S. U: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Jimmie Kelley: Solomon Levi, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Lantern Subscriptions: On A Tree, By A River from The Mikado by Gilbert & Sullivan
The Letter: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Listen To My Tale Of Woe: Listen To My Tale Of Woe, Produced from score Listen To My Tale Of Woe
Lo! The Poor Freshman: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Men of Ohio: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
My Girl's Too Good For You: Aura LeeProduced from score Aura Lee
The Noon-Tune: Produced from score in The Ohio State University Monthly, April, 1915.
Ohio: Oh Didn't He Ramble, Son of a Gambolier, Produced from scores Oh Didn't He Ramble, Son of a
Ohio Football Song, Produced from score in The Ohio State University Lantern18 November, 1908
Ohio Mater, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Ohi-Ohio Ohio, Johnny Comes Marching Home: Produced from score Johnny Comes Marching Home
Ohio, Our Own: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Ohio's Jewels: O Tannanbaum: Produced from score O Tannenbaum
Ohio State, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Ohio State Forever: The Maple Leaf Forever, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
The Ohio State March Song: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Ohio State Priase Song, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Ohio Will Shine Tonight, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
On The Sidelines/i>: Bonnie: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
O. S. U. Jubilee: Marching Through Georgia: Produced from score Marching Through Georgia
Our Inspiration: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Our Football Song: My Sweethearts the Man in the Moon, Produced from score My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon
Rah, Rah, Rah, For Old Ohio: Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, The Boys Are Marching, Produced from score Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, The Boys Are
Rally Ohio!: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Round on the End: Courtesy of UCLA Digital Music Score Library, Produced from original score
Rush On! Rush on!: Marching Through Georgia, Produced from score Marching Through Georgia
The Scarlet and Gray Forever: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Scarlet and Gray March: El Capitan, Music of John Phillip Sousa Web Site; Produced from score in Songs of Ohio
State University
Sing A Song Of College Days, Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Song of the Franklins, The Mulligan Guards: Produced from score The Mulligan Guards
Stand Fast For Ohio: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
To Prexy: Mary Had a Little Lamb: Produced from score Mary Had a Little Lamb
To The, Ohio State: Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes: Produced from score Drink to Me Only with Thine
There's Football in the Air: There's Music in the Air: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and
There's Music in the Air: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
These Final Exams: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Varsity: Tammany Produced from score of Tammany
Victory Ohio: Illinois Loyalty Produced from score of Illinois Loyalty
Vive La O. S. U.: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Wahoo! Wahoo!: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
Walking is Good Exercise: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
We Come From the Fair O. S. U.: Rosalie: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
We're Loyal Ohio: Produced from score in Songs of Ohio State University
What A Happy College Life This Will Be: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Who Are We?: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Yell, Ike, Yell!: Produced from score in Songs of the Scarlet and Gray
Historical photos appearing on most of these pages are from The Ohio State University Archives - Photo Archives collection. These collections include the Centennial Collection, the Bradford Lantern Color Slide Collection and other smaller collections. These photographs are copyrighted by The Ohio State University and cannot be used for any commercial purposes without the express permission of The Ohio State University. However, photgraphs may be purchased, in various sizes, from The Ohio State University Archives.
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Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 22 September, 2021