Welcome to the most comprehensive web site about the Songs of The Ohio State University. By far, this is the only web site of its kind on the Internet. This site has been recognized by The Ohio State University School of Music/Dance Library as a reference source for learning more about the history of songs which were written specifically about The Ohio State University. You may view Ohio State Songs in Use Today, and learn a bit of the history of the current Ohio State songs. Also, you may learn more about Ohio State's historical songs by visiting Ohio State Songs Lost to History.
This site combines resources from song books, the Internet, The Lantern, The Ohio
State University Marching Band, The Ohio State University Archives, football programs, various reference materials and musical
scores to provide the visitor with the best experience possible. All the historical songs were scored and the MIDI files
generated using the Noteedit
and MuseScore utilities, which are available for the
UNIX and linux operating system. Subsequenty, the MIDI fiels were converted to MP3 to eliminate the need
for a MIDI browser plugin. Finally, this site now contains over 100 songs, so if you would like to add, enhance or update
information, feel free to e-mail your contributions to
This web site is dedicated to the students, faculty, staff and Alumni of The Ohio State University, from its humble beginnings, in 1870, to the present day. Furthermore, this web site is dedicated to the composers of the songs contained herein, for their legacy is now a living history of The Ohio State University. Also, this web site is dedicated to the members, past and present, of The Ohio State University Men's Glee Club and The Ohio State University Marching Band, who arranged, composed and performed these songs throughout the years. In addition, this site is dedicated to the Lohrer family of Columbus and Springfield, Ohio; as we have adopted each other, in 1974, as dear friends when we attended Ohio State. Finally, this web site is dedicated to my parents, who taught me the value and importance of education.
What's New?
August 15, 2021: Songs of The Ohio State Univesity has moved to a new server, and updated oeprating system. This should speed up access to content. Also, the site has gone under a minor design update, sticky headers for all pages, to make it easier to navigate. In addition, the site now runs on the https protocol, has a vendor suppiled SSL certificate, and has some additional security measures implemented with Content Security Protocol. The rest of site site remains the same, for thsoe familiar with it.
In testing, Songs of the Ohio State University runs best using the recent versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge. and Mozilla Firefox. It has been tested on Linux (ubuntu 20.04), MacOS (BigSur) and Windows 10. On MacOS, Chrome is your best bet, as it will allow playing of MP3 files and displaying of PDFs. Unfortunately, Safari, will not load MP3s and Firefox will not load PDFs. On windows 10, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Chrome fucntion proeprly. On Lineux, Firefox and Chrome function properly.
Because this website now uses SSL and TLS, be aware that this web site only supports traffic running over TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3. Upgrading to the most current browser is strongly suggested.
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If you desire a copy of any of the material contained on this web site, for your own web site, you are welcome to it. However, if you copy web pages, please also copy over the related media files, as well. Please make sure that you change the links in your HTML to link to your web site, not mine. Finally, please credit this web site as your source.
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Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021