Songs of Ohio State University
Songs of Ohio State University; Ohio State Alumni Association;
1916; Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, Inc
A treasure trove arrived on my doorstep on Halloween, 2003, a copy of the 1916 edition of Songs of Ohio State University, a song book that includes songs popular with Ohio State students in 1916. The book brings to life the music popular in the pre-World War I (Great War) years. The book's introduction mentions that many new songs became part of Ohio Student life, since the predecessor book Songs of the Scarlet and Gray was published in 1900.
Besides college related songs, there are a great number of ballads and standards popular in 1916, as well as, hymns and music commonly performed by groups at Ohio State. All told, there are 241 songs on 232 pages in Songs of Ohio State University. Because this was a song book, there is very little information about the songs, except for the authors and copyright dates, if that information was available. All in all, Songs of Ohio State University provides a nice snapshot of campus culture in 1916. One special note, The Ohio State University Library has the 1923 edition of Songs of Ohio State University on permanent reserve; it is a reprint of the 1916 edition, with a few additional songs, which are noted below.
It is noted, in Songs of Ohio State University, that several of the Ohio State specific songs were contributions for a song contest, sponsored by The Ohio State University Association (now The Ohio State University Alumni Association), in 1916. Like the University of California, many songs were composed over the years, but were never actually adopted for general use. One of the songs entered, in the Ohio State competition, was Across the Field. As any Buckeye knows, Across the Field became very popular immediately and has been identified with Ohio State, since its introduction in 1916.
One surprising feature of Songs of Ohio State University was classic photographs (two dozen in all) pasted into the book, above several of the musical scores. Some of the photos are actually colored hued to give the impression of colored photos. The subject matter, of the photos, show many campus scenes, buildings and classic shots from Ohio Field. An extra delight in already a very historical prize!
As mentioned earlier, Songs of Ohio State University contained songs from a song competition held in 1916. A list, at the bottom of the page, lists all the entries published. Finally, the publishers of Songs of Ohio State University dedicated the book to President William Oxley Thompson, whose statue stands today in front of The Ohio State University William Oxley Thompson (Main) Library.
Songs of Ohio State University; Ohio State Alumni Association;
1923; Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, Inc
Thanks to the generosity of The Ohio State University Archives, I was able to purchase the 1923 edition of Songs of Ohio State University. The second edition is pretty much a reprint of the first edition, with some notable exceptions. First, the 1923 edition contains songs from the colleges of the Western Conference (Big Ten). Secondly, it included the songs that were entries for the song contest commemorating the construction and dedication of Ohio Stadium. It was Frank Crumit's The Buckeye Battle Cry that will be adopted by Buckeyes everywhere. Finally, a few more Alma Mater and ballad songs, written between 1916 and 1923, were included. In regards to songs about Ohio State, there are nine new songs written since the 1916 edition.
In addition to the songs, there are photographs of campus scenes, as page size plates. One of the most notable is a photograph entitled "Dedication of Ohio Stadium, October 21, 1922". Other photos depict Orton Hall, Main Library, The Armory, Pomerene Hall, Mirror Lake, McMillian Observatory and University Hall. While the photographs were not as numerous as those in the 1916 edition, one gets a view of Ohio State circa 1923. A great addition to the book.
Other then the minor differences, the 1923 edition of Songs of Ohio State University retains much of the character and "treasure trove" status of its 1916 counterpart. A great collection for those who are interested in the early history of The Ohio State University.
The following is a list of Ohio State specific songs found in the 1916 edition of Songs of Ohio State University. The Name of the song, year written, melody (if available), authors and year of graduation (if applicable):Songs In Use, circa 1916:
Across The Field - 1915 - Original - WA Dougherty,
Alma Mater - Ohio State University (Our Alma Mater) - 1880s - Original - Rev. RP Smith
BINGO - 1895 - Original - Unknown
Bohunkus - 1890s - Auld Lang Syne - Unknown
Carmen Ohio - 1902 - Spanish Chant or Hymn - FA Cornell, 1906
Hymn of Ohio State - 1893 - Le Marsellaise - WL Graves, 1893
Jimmie Kelley - 1894 - Solomon Levi - JR Taylor, 1897
Ohio State March Song - 1912 - Original - RW Arms, 1912
Scarlet and Gray March - 1897 - El Capitan - GK Dowd, 1898
The Scarlet and Gray Forever - 1900 - Original - CW Gayman, 1900
Varsity - 1800s/1910s - Tammany - Unknown
Vive La OSU - 1893 - Vive La Companie - Unknown
Wahoo! Wahoo! - 1895 - Roll Jordan Roll - Unknown
Walking is a Good Exercise (Rig-a-jig-jig and Away We Go) - 1893 - Original - Unknown
New Songs in the 1923 edition:
The Buckeye Battle Cry - 1919 - Original - F Crumit
The Buckeye Team - 1919 - The Badger Team - Dr. JW Wilce
Hail, Ohio - 1919 - Palestrina - JR Taylor, 1897, H Huchinson
Howdy Do, Prexy Thompson? - 1919 - Original - Unknown
The Letter - 1887 - Benny Havan's Oh! - JRT, 1887
Ohio - 1922 - Original - WW Havens, 1920
Ohio Will Shine Tonight - 1919 - Original - Unknown
Sing A Song Of College Days - 1923 - Original - R Braine
We're Loyal, Ohio - 1919 - TBD - H Byer, 1920, PM Foote, 1920
Songs in 1916 edition, not in 1923 edition:
Commencement Processional - 1916 - Original - TA Wingard, 1905
Scarlet and Gray March - 1897 - El Capitan - GK Dowd, 1898
Vive La OSU - 1893 - Vive La Companie - Unknown
Walking is a Good Exercise (Rig-a-jig-jig and Away We Go) - 1893 - Original - Unknown
1916 Song Competition:
All Hail Ohio State - 1916 - Original - EW Childs, 1918; FM Lorsheter,
Alma Mater - 1905 - Beautiful Lady - ME Taylor, 1905
Alumni Day - 1916 - O Happy Days Gone By - MH Webb, 1902
Campus Days - 1916 - Original - WL Graves, 1893; CE Mack, 1917
Commencement Processional - 1916 - Original - TA Wingard, 1905
Men of Ohio - 1912 - Original - C Sohl, 1908; FA Cornell 1906; RA Hauer 1908
Ohio Mater - 1916 - Original - BS Stephenson 1901; PM Foote, 1920
Ohio State - 1916 - Original - H Childs, 1913; HC Howard, 1897
Ohio State - 1916 - Sweet Genevieve - EL Noble, 1919
Ohio, Our Own - 1916 - American Hymn - HS Fairbanks, 1909
Ohio State, Forever - 1916 - The Maple Leaf Forever - HC Laughlin, 1890
Ohio State Praise Song - 1916 - Original - RJ Seymour 1900, P Austin, 1916
Our Best, Ohio - 1916 - Original - WA Dougherty, 1917
Rally Ohio - 1916 - Original - PM Foote, 1920
Rush On! Rush On! - 1916 - Marching Through Georgia - MC Laughlin, 1890
Stand Fast for Ohio - 1916 - Holland National Hymn - HC Laughlin, 1890
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Webmaster: Nick Metrowsky
The Ohio State University, BA, History, 1979
Life Member The Ohio State University Alumni Association
Life Member of The Ohio State University President's Club
Annual Member of The Ohio State University Varsity "O" Association
Last Updated: 23 September, 2021